Frequently Asked Questions

Current Employees


New Candidates


Potential Clients


General FAQ

Go to sign in with your credentials, go to timesheets, then select the timesheet for this week, fill out the hours you worked for each day, then it will be approved by your manager
If you are going to be absent that day of work, please contact the Azimuth attendance hotline prior to your work shift at (630) 474-5179.
Azimuth pays their employees weekly every Friday. You can either set up a direct deposit right to your bank account or pick up your check at any of our nine office locations.
You may pick up your check at any of our nine office locations. You can find all of our offices at the bottom of our contact us page.
Apply on the Azimuth job board and a recruiter will reach out with the best job for you!
You will need to submit a background check for all positions, but only need to complete a drug screen for certain companies.
Yes, Please apply on Azimuth's job board and a recruiter will reach out with the best job for you!
Submit your contact information and resume at the bottom of the “Job seekers” page on the Azimuth website.


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