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Have you browsed through our database of available candidates yet? Click here to see our active candidates. Not finding what you’re looking for? Get in touch.
Our process begins by collecting baseline information on each candidate our recruiter talks to. Most staffing companies call to offer candidates a job, but our recruiters call to learn more about what the candidate wants, and to offer them “the right job”. While this may seem like an insignificant process change, it allows us to obtain real time candidate data about a job seeker’s desired pay range, shift preferences, past experience, reasons why they are currently on the job market, etc.
Having gathered hiring information on over 60,000+ candidates, we have one of the most robust, real-time, candidate databases in the midwest. This is valuable for two main reasons:
1) This data allows a real-time understanding of whether a position is truly fillable or not given the job parameters and the current market.
2) In most cases, we will not be competing with your current sourcing efforts; we will add a competitive edge to your team’s recruiting efforts.
Order – We look through our internal system to identify relevant candidates we have spoke to in the past
Feedback – We share internal profiles with clients and get real time feedback on the ideal candidate persona
Submit – We submit internal candidates within 24-48 hours after we receive client persona feedback
Our recruiters take a “people-first” approach to make sure applicants and clients are satisfied with our service. Focusing on highly qualified candidates with specialized skill sets, Azimuth takes pride in being people experts and creating human solutions.
Since our sister company’s (A.S.G. Staffing) founding in 1992, we have helped over 400 manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation/logistics companies acquire new hires and scale their staff as they grow.
Have you browsed through our database of available candidates yet? Click here to see our active candidates. Not finding what you’re looking for? Get in touch.